Rainbow by Sophie

Sale price$249

Bring a unique splash of colors to your interior.  RAINBOW is everything a fire extinguisher is not: beautiful and unique.  This piece was made with rainbow chords delicately positioned around the steel barrel.  It took Sophie 4 hours of meticulous work to accomplish it. It was quite mesmerizing and was recently curated by a Fortune 500 company as gifts from the CEO to all direct reports.


This art piece is made by Sophie, a talented student willing and able to spend hours meticulously creating beautiful work. Her systematic approach ultimately creates engaging and unique pieces.    

This particular piece uses 2 different cords to break the homogeneity.  

Technical Information:

  • Diameter: 3.4 inches
  • Height: 11 inches
  • Weight: 4.4 pounds
  • Steel and Brass
  • Extinguishing agent: 1 KG – 2.2 LB
  • Powder ABC 40 - inert salt
  • Internal pressure at 20 °C: 14 bar (Nitrogen)
  • Minimum and maximum temperatures for use: -20 °C and +60 °C
  • CE 0029 approved tank and EN 3-8 technical standards.